A woman at sitting at her office chair, who seems to be suffering from lower back pain.

The Effectiveness of Traction for Relieving Back Pain and How it Works

Are you tired of living with back pain and looking for a solution? Traction may be a viable option for you. Traction for relieving back pain involves using a pulling force to stretch the spine and relieve pressure on the affected area.

As someone who has dealt with this issue, I understand the importance of finding effective treatment options. Whether you're suffering from chronic back pain or sciatica, traction may be worth considering.

So let’s explore the effectiveness of traction for relieving back pain and take a closer look at how it works.

How Does Back Pain Affect My Life?

“Pop!” I felt and heard something bad happen in my mid back. The rest was a blur. Somehow I managed to get off the back of the pick-up truck and lie down on my father-in-law’s lush green lawn. 

Here I was on the front lawn curled up in the fetal position. I felt paralyzed. Usually, when I’m in pain I try to laugh it off or tell a joke like, “This is what happens when your wife moves in with you and she doesn’t like your furniture.” 

But not at this level of agony. Since that day I’ve been dealing with back spasms. That was over 15 years ago and it has been affecting my life since.

Usually how it goes for me with these back spasms is I’ll be almost totally immobile for at least a day and I end up going to my doctor to get some pain meds or muscle relaxants. It ruins my whole routine and it’s weeks until I can get back to feeling normal and exercising. 

But, there is always that lingering thought and worry about the next time that even a cough or sneeze could take me out (seriously!)

The Medical Device I Use for Relieving My Back Pain

I have tried various treatments but there is nothing that can give me relief at that moment when I need it most. That moment when you’re in so much pain, you wish you could just be knocked out.

When I first experienced using my CoreStraight to deal with a back spasm attack it was like nothing before. As soon as my back spasms started I put on my CoreStraight. I wore it for 15 minutes per day for four days and I was back to normal.

And each time I wore my CoreStraight I could continue with my day. Normally, I end up on the couch in excruciating pain for a few days and I can barely get around. But things are different now.

How Does Traction Help Back Pain?

CoreStraight uses mechanical traction to relieve pain and it’s been a blessing for me. So how does mechanical traction work? 

Firstly, mechanical traction alleviates the pressure on the nerves in the spine. This pressure causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the legs and arms. Traction helps to reduce this pressure and provides much-needed relief.

Secondly, traction improves the flexibility and mobility of the spine. As we age, the spine becomes stiff and inflexible, making it more difficult to move and perform everyday activities. But traction helps to loosen up the joints and muscles in the spine, making it easier to move around and reducing the risk of injury.

Lastly, traction has benefits for muscle spasms and tension headaches. The stretching and elongation of the spine help to relax the muscles and release tension, providing relief from these symptoms.

And, in addition to these benefits above, traction is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment option for back pain. This makes it a safer and more comfortable alternative to surgery or other invasive procedures or narcotics.

Now, I can deal with my back spasms powerfully knowing that CoreStraight has my back. 


Traction has shown promising results in relieving back pain for some individuals. While there are different types of traction methods available, all aim to alleviate pain and improve function in individuals with back pain. 

If you are experiencing back pain or sciatica, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider about how traction could benefit your chronic back pain. 

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